Wednesday, February 28, 2007 Y 8:28 PM hmm there's no homework now which is particularly urgent. although still have IH test + physics quiz tmr? but since i assume they wont be too tough i shall not fret over it as of yet. i got this from hui min who got it from jiawen. (im just bored) - The phone rings. Who do you want it to be? wrong number, i dun really like talking on the phone. - When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? of course.. tsktsk to those who even think of doing so.. - In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? mostly listener. unless im speaking with my brother, mother or close friends. - Do you take compliments well? erm okay la depends on whether i really deserve it. if i dont i will feel embarrassed. - Do you play Sudoku? YUP i have a Sudoku book at home.. Played it during CNY too esp at my 大姑's house. - If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? i think not, sitting in my comfortable warm chair now. but it really depends on the circumstances and my will to live at that time. - Do you like to ride horses? I have never rode a horse before. - Did you ever go to camp as a kid? erm no except for one in P6 which was compulsory. and i dunno whether i was considered a kid then. - What was your favorite game as a kid? ermm i remember playing with soft toys with my brother then we would pretend to have a picnic blahblah. and i remembered that we used to play every single day.. - If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married what would you do? avoid that person. - Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? probably yes unless his religious beliefs borders on compulsive. - Do you like to pursue or be pursued? erm pursued? isnt it tiring to pursue a person? but like hui min said.. haha. - Are you ticklish? Yep, but you have to poke me hard to make me laugh. - Do any songs make you cry? nope i think im a little numb. - Do you know how to shoot a gun? Nope. - If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? i would grab.....nothing. why grab? just runnnnnnnnnnnnnn. (and i cant take the computer) - How often do you read books? I used to read quite often but it cut down due to lack of time. - Do you think more about the past, present or future? ermm past i guess... i dwell alot in the past... but i dont really think about the future because i wouldnt know what would happen anyway. - Favourite children’s book? Um i cant remember lol. oh yes books by roald dahl. i still like his books now. - How tall are you? 161.8cm. - Where is your dream house located? landed property... must be convenient though. - What name brand is your computer? erm i have no idea. the monitor and CPU have different brands. - Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Neoprints. - What flavour is your favorite lollipop? Cola. but i dun really like lollipops in the first place. theres this artificial smell. - Where was the furthest place you traveled today? School. - Do you prefer to sleep or eat? zzz. - Do you look like your mom or dad? actually i don't know. alot of ppl have diff opinions. - How long does it take you in the shower? erm depends on what i have to do after that. can range from 5 minutes to 20 minutes. - Can you do the splits? nope. - What movie do you want to see right now? ehhh none. which is a good thing. - Would you like to make a shout out?? o.0 what does it mean by "shout out"? to shout? its night time and i might disturb ppl. - What did you do for New Year’s? collect hongbao, eat, talk, eat and eat. - What song would you like to dedicate? Como compongo poco, yo ‘toy loco (same as hui min xD) and mamoru - Do you own a camera phone? Yes. - Who would you dedicate that song to? Jem and Hui min xD - Candles or Incense? Candles. i cant take the smell of incense. - How many hours of sleep do you get a night? About 7 hours. - Do you like care bears? No x) but my sis used to like them alot according to my mum. - What do you buy at the Movies? movie tickets. - Do you know how to play poker? nope. - Do you wear your seatbelt? yes unless i feel extremely carsick and need to lie down. - What do you wear to sleep? pyjamas x) - Are you in love? yes with my bed. and the computer. - Did you eat a cookie today? cookies are fattening! lol nope. i hardly eat cookies. - Do you use cuss words in other languages? i think cuss words in other languages (other than english) are really quite crude and vulgar.. but i cuss in english i guess. "shit" is considered a cuss word right? lol - Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? I don’t download music. usually listen to radio. - Do you hate chocolate? nope i love 'em. except those cheapo types like chocolate coins so disgusting and artificial. - Are you a gullible person? i think so. - Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? nope. - If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be?hmmmm. inventor? i mean assuming that i am really very science-inclined and also creative. actually this is really subjective. - Are you easy to get along with? yes if you can speak well. because i listen to others. but i wouldnt talk to you if you dont make the first move, i will stone and be bored. - What is your favourite time of day? hmm what day is it? 11 maybe time to sleep. and if theres cca then maybe depends on my mood. i like anytime as long as its slack and fun time. Tuesday, February 27, 2007 Y 10:17 PM pfffft! i totally regret choosing that topic for essay outline D: anyway im done with it because im so tired :( what a perfect waste of TIMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and there are so many other constructive things i could have done in these few sickening hours. sickeningly sickening. grah i have no time no time no time no time. homework, SIAs, CCA piling up. somemore have NYAA!!!!!! arghhhhh no time anymore la. yesterday was such a rare occasion so slack. im feeling so sian now. and freaking irritated. irritating irritating i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this Monday, February 26, 2007 Y 6:11 PM ahh msn isnt working D: stupid. im bored! i dunno why. theres no homework today????? *amazed* i even finished my LA proposal already. hmm maybe i can do research for CME which is so bleh. maybe maybe. i think stress can really drive people crazy, so maybe its okay to loosen up once in a while. erm let me tell you how much i detest blogs with passwords. its SO irritating because i can never figure out how to cancel the stupid request for the password. and the cancel button never works. im really starting to detest chinese now D: if i had the choice i would quit studying chinese as an examinable subject. today was such a boring day. except for SIL which was mildly interesting? 160 slides is a little mad though. and bio and chem was also interesting. otherwise i thought the lessons was a little redundant + boring. next week is OBS!/? i dunno whether to feel excited or not. "back to basics"?? i dunno. i will end up with a bad back from sleeping on my sickening flat sleeping bag. hmm but maybe on the other hand, it will help or something because i heard sleeping on hard surfaces is healthy. IH TEST IS COMING. i feel rather uneasy now.. Tuesday, February 20, 2007 Y 11:24 AM new year. leaves us with a fatter wallet and a much heavier self. after all the goodies.. stuffed with sugar, fat and flour. and of course, after all the eating, the goodies still are there, seemingly self-refilling. perhaps these goodies arent really supposed to be called goodies, after all they make you fat and heavy. but still, they make you happy? perhaps. i sit here. its end of new year. there's school tmr. nothing to do now. slack and play games? perhaps no.. there seems to be something waiting for me to do.. they say it boils down to attitude. simple as that? nooo obviously no. you think you can make the world go round just because you are perfect? oh no. btw my brother and i got three cacti from our uncle during the new year. what a perfect way to start a year. reminding ourselves that we should be strong and hardy blablah. T.T but anyway i appreciate the cacti. i have this urge to type cactuses/cactis. lol. i was typing this in the morning. then my dad kinda snatched the computer away. so im posting now. about the cactus. my brother kinda screwed one up by causing the whole cactus to fall out of the pot. and he cant even care less. byebye and see you in school tmr. Sunday, February 18, 2007 Y 6:09 PM HAPPY CNY:D im supposed to be doing physics report now.. but im veryvery bored. and there's no one online now, due to the CNY visiting..having PARTY later lol. had reunion dinner last night.. and my brother thought he ate a raw kidney lol. i hate liverssss yuk so yucky. lol. CNY concert was.. okay. audience was so dead lor. sians but then we did spend our time in the LT wisely:D spastic CNY songs:D i dislike physics. hmm. my phone is outta battery, shall go charge it:D adios. this is such a meaningless post. Thursday, February 15, 2007 Y 5:40 PM hmm i always wonder what goes behind the reasoning of a blogname. such as: jiawen's blog: -lol i think that she just wants to be happy and bright like a rainbow? because rainbows are nice and happy. lol. and maybe its from the true colours song, the line where they sing something like " you are beautiful like a rainbow". so maybe jiawen is saying that she is beautiful lol~~ huimin's blog: -hmm "perfect" is just.. perfect. and everyone wants perfection. and being the perfectionist that she is lol. anyway this is a compliment. iris's blog: -i think she created this during the dec hols 2006? so.. anyway i agree with this. because boredom=nothing to do=no homework=slack lol kaiqi's blog: -i think its supposed to be motivating others to be HAPPY! :D yeahhh jem's blog: -the name is self-explanatory. (did i spell it right?) <3 nyc lol this is quite random but i have nothing to do and i dun wanna do homework lol im being spas :D and correct me if what i thought the meaning of your blog name to be is wrong. lol :D:D Wednesday, February 14, 2007 Y 9:53 PM bloody !"£$%^&*() stupid blogger and comkputer. im forced to move to the new blogger. and being a CS person, i dislike change okay! :( now i am in a bad mood because of 2 things: 1. physics 2. computer problems i so suck at physics and today there was tons of homework. actually it wasnt alot, but then due to my suckiness, it became alot. and i had to restart the computer thrice to get to this stupid blogger. Anyway. today's math test was very fine. and chinese tian2 xie2 han4 zi4 was fine too. several interesting things that happened today: 1. sudden playing of some sound/song by ms yeo during math test. i dunno why but i found that amusing. 2. the pronunciation of "ghoti". lol 3. learning of comocompongotoyloco actions!! haha. so fun. anyway.i almost forgot. today is valentine's day! lol~~ i didnt even remember till i saw the choc clara gave to the class in the morning. i got a beeeee choc from zhuo2 lao2 shi1. lol~~ cuter than the big, i mean gigantic-eyed fish. IH was confusing as usual. blahblah. my physics is quite s c r e w e d indeed. and 65% to get into JC? i got like a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeny weeny more than that. ): i really have to work much harder. cny is coming soon. and also have to sing cny songs again. sians. i personally find it lame. im really crapping too much now. and i think i have flu and sore throat :( Wednesday, February 07, 2007 Y 8:30 PM Math Lecture notes - 10 pages Worksheets 5.1 and 5.2 - 5 pages Class worksheets 5.1 to 5.6 - 10 pages Total - 25 pages my poor printer. x( btw i got a new keyboard! haha no more psycho problems. for now. there isnt any problem with the keyboard, its the computer. now the buttons are all switched over like for the earlier keyboard. lol at least the buttons all work. hmm chem, bio, physics tests over! yay. now math, chinese and IH x( so bored. and no one's online. perhaps watching tv. after the test. or maybe doing some homework which im not apparently aware of. lol. during recess yesterday, hui min said that people are easily recognisable thru how they type. lol. some people anyway. wah there is really nothing to do now! im so grateful and happy. yay jiawen just came online(: and i finished my homework(: options to consider doing now continue blogging bloghop (as usual) chat with someone (which i will probably do) print out alll the math notes =.= go watch tv my options are truly limited. maybe i have to do some work for lang arts SIA. i dunno. lol! bye~ Thursday, February 01, 2007 Y 10:14 PM rofl @ you, pls dun be stupid to click it at me blog hor. haha. anyway you can cancel lol. the virus is called captain mnemo. jiawen says: did you receive the virus jiawen says: dont press hor ADELINE says: yup ADELINE says: i got it from my fren jiawen says: haha ADELINE says: then i was like jiawen says: i got it like 5times jiawen says: LOL ADELINE says: what did i do??? jiawen says: so obvious it was virus ADELINE says: because it was like rofl@you jiawen says: dunno why ppl still fall for it lols. haha. im listening to crazy frog now. i dunno why too. lol. yay tmr is friday! hoooooray! :D means end of the week plus choir. haha. anyway i havent bought my new year clothes! sians. good bye~! |
COLOURFUL 402'08; hcjc; 09s79; og30; apollo! say it with me ESCAPADES {♥}alyssa {♥}ashleen {♥}baoxian {♥}cherie {♥}cheryl {♥}clara {♥}corrina {♥}debi {♥}da jie {♥}eva {♥}haidee {♥}hui min {♥}iris {♥}jacqueline {♥}jiamin {♥}jiaqi {♥}jiawen {♥}loyee {♥}lucy {♥}mel {♥}michelle {♥}ningjia {♥}penny {♥}qianwen {♥}rachel {♥}sitong {♥}yeephon {♥}yangzi {♥}yunting into the past March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |