Monday, May 29, 2006 Y 6:02 PM Definition of atheist: Person who believes that there is no God. Definition of skinny dipping: To swim naked in a lake or river Yes. These are the definitions i have found. (: Haha. I finished my Math Worksheets. And i went to print WS 9.1 and 9.2 when it was in the stack of notes. >.< Haha. Hmmm. I so want to change my blogskin. Getting bored of it. I think i shall get something which is striking. Bored. I got 8th position in class. >.< That's SO-SO only :( Sad. Shall spend my june hols studying. Haha. Went to NJC concert yesterday. Nice! and the toilet queues were... humongous. Because of the TKGS choir changing. >.< Haha. Ms Lim was conducting. ^^ Yah. Bye for now. Friday, May 26, 2006 Y 8:51 PM S E 7 E N things that make me smile, including PEOPLE: 1. friends!(: 2. jem(: 3. family.. especially my bro(: 4. food! 5. good grades! for everything! 6. comedies?? (: 7. choir! (:(: S E 7 E N ways to win my heart: 1. make me laugh(: 2. think of ways to make me happy(: 3. spend time with me(: 4. offer food?(: 5. sing with me((: 6. chat with me(: 7. just be there(: S E 7 E N people i believe / trust in: 1. god ((: 2. family(: 3. friends(: 4. 211 people 5. certain teachers 6. ME! 7. ?? S E 7 E N things i hope to have / do now: 1. homework! but dunno how. 2. sing 3. really really find a time when i can totally slack and relax without any trouble 4. learn my piano songs really really well 5. meet up with my primary school friends 6. read MORE books! 7. perservere! xPS E 7 E N things i do everyday: 1. laugh 2. talk 3. blink 4. eat 5. wake up 6. sleep 7. use the com/watch tv S E 7 E N people i want to see now: 1. wanting 2. debi 3. hui min 4. jem 5. jiawen 6. 211-ers 7. primary school friends S E 7 E N people who should also do this: 1. wanting 2. debi 3. hui min 4. jiawen! 5. ester 6. anyone 7. YOU!(: Thursday, May 25, 2006 Y 3:35 PM Okay. Here is what you have to do 1. Starting Time: 3.41 pm 2. Full Name: ... 3. Best Friend(s): 猪之家. haha. 4. Sexiest Friend: Don't know.. 5. Funniest Friend(s): Everybody is.. but jiawen? 6. Smartest friends: HM xD 7. Dumbest Person: No one bah. 8. Shyest Friend: Er... 9. Most boring person: Teacher lor. Haha. 10. Who do you get advice from: Parents and friends. 11. Height: 161cm? 12. DOB: .6th September 1992 13. Righty / Lefty: righty. Righty. 15. Shoe Size: 5? 16.Shoe Brand: Er. What does this mean? I don't only have one pair of shoes. 17. Do you Crack any Body Parts: Knuckles? 18. Siblings: Older sister, younger brother 19. Email Address: ... 20. Boy Friend/Girl Friend: NIL 21. Crush: NIL 22. Liked a Teacher: No! 23. Do you hope the person you sent this to would reply: Didn't send to anybody. 24. Ate a Tub of Ice Cream: Half to three quarters only. 25. Ran Into a Glass Door: Yarr. 26. Gone Skinny Dipping: NO way 27. Nearly hit by a car: No. 28. Ran into a parked car: Nooo. Girls Fill Out About Guys 29. Boxers or Briefs: I don't care! 30. Tall or Short : Taller than me 31. Does size matter: Not too skinny bah. Not too fat also. 32. Six-pack or Muscular Arms: Both? Haha. 33. Body or Personality: Both. But personality if I have to choose 34. Ear Pierced or Not: Anything. 35. Sporty or Outdoorsy: No preference 36. Good or Bad guy: Good. Guys Fill Out on girls 37. G or hipster undies: - 38. Tall or Short : - 39. Long Hair or Short :- 40.Dark or Light Eyes: - 41. Light/Dark Hair: - 42. Body or Personality: - 43. Ears Pierced or Not: - 44. Good Girl/Bad Girl: - 45.Hair Up or Down : - 46. Sporty or Classy: - 47. Chicken or Not Afraid : - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which One is Better 48. Coke or pepsi: Coke 49. K.F.C or Mcdonalds: Mcdonalds. 50. Cats or Dogs : Cats.. 51. Coffee or Tea : Tea. 52. Eastside or westside: No preference 53. Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla with chocolate coating. Haha. 54. Cake or Cookies: Hard choice.. 55.Purple striped Lime socks or white socks: Ermm. Either. 56. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset? 57. Day or Night: Either. 58. Lights on or off: On. 59. Summer or Winter: Any.. summer? 60. Food: Jap..Italian.. 61. Holiday destination: Almost anywhere exotic 62. Radio Station: Any? 63. Place: Home.. In The Future 64. Will you believe in God: I already do.. 65. What you want to be when you grow up: No idea. 66. Define Love: ... 67. Favourite Place: Home. 68. Favourite day(s) of the week: Saturday 69. Bedtime: 10-11pm 70. Who Is Least Likely To Send This Back: Didn't send. 71. Satan or God or atheist: God. What's atheist? More questions 72. Do you love someone right now: Family? xD 73. Do you care about someone: ... 74. Do you think of someone everyday: Not really. 75. Do you think someone is special in any way: Everyone's special! 76. Finishing time: 4.25pm 77. Date: 25 May 2006 Wednesday, May 24, 2006 Y 8:25 PM today we went to a stream! so muddy and dirty. liyue's whole slippers was soaked in mud.. because we sank into the soft nice soggy mud. HAHA. we caught a half-beak! thanks to elise... ^^ haha. pro fish-catcher... she caught a big and mini one. eee. and we saw a pong skater eating a beee. although mr lim "saved" the bee by whacking it off the pond skater while trying to catch it. =.= Did this in the com lab: 1. What time did you get up this morning? 6.15am. 2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds! 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Over the Hedge. Cute!^^ 4. What is your favorite TV show? EH. dunno.5. What did you have for breakfast? Egg tart, milk 6. What is your middle name? NONE7. What is your favorite cuisine? Japanese? Not sure.8. What foods do you dislike? EH. bitter stuff like coffee bah. 9. Your favorite Potato chip? PRINGLES! sour cream and onions.10. What is your favorite CD at the moment: NO CDs. 11. What kind of car do you drive? Don't drive.12. Favorite sandwich? Sardine? with onions and tomato sauce.13. What characteristics do you despise? Pretentious. 14. Favorite item of clothing? Skirt... 15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?WHOLE of Europe. 16. What color is your bathroom? White? 17. Favorite brand of clothing? Erm. No preference bah. 18. Where would you want to retire to? ? 19. Favorite time of day? Night! 20. Where were you born? Singapore 21. What is your favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics and swimming.22. Who do you least expect to send this back? No idea. 23. Person you expect to send it back first? No idea. 24. What laundry detergent do you use? FAB? 25. Coke or Pepsi? Coke!26. Are you a morning person or night owl? night owl! 27. What size shoe do you wear? FIVE. 28. Do you have pets? No.29. Any exciting news to share with everyone? No.30. What did you want to be when you were little? ? Dunno.31. Favorite Candy Bar? None. 32. What is your best childhood memory? Eh. Going to Australia? 33. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Student. 34. What color underwear are you wearing? =.=lll 35. Nicknames: Ade? 36. Piercing? No. 37. Eye color? Black. 38. Ever been to Africa? No.. 39. Ever been toilet papering? ??? 40. Love someone so much it made you cry? Ironic. But no. 41A. Been in a car accident? Nope.41B. Anything else traumatic happen: Erm.. 42. Croutons or bacon bits? I only know what's bacon. 43. Favorite day(s) of the week? SATURDAY!! 44. Favorite restaurant? Jap restaurants bah. 45. Favorite flower? ER.. 46. Favorite ice cream? Vanilla with chocolate coating!47. Disney or Warner Brothers? No preference. 48. Favorite fast food restaurant? ?? Macdonald's? 49. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue.. 50. How many times did you fail your driver's test? 0. 51. Before this one, from whom did you get your last email? HM.53. What do you do most often do when you are bored? MSN. 54. Bedtime? 10-11pm. 55. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? Answer to Q61. 56. Last person you went to dinner with? Family... 57. What are you listening to right now? HM and Liyue talking.. 58. What is your favorite color? PINK.59. Lake, Ocean or river? Ocean... 60. How many tattoos do you have? ZERO. 61. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken. 62. How many people are you sending this to? Dunno. 63. Who sent this to you? Jia Wen. 64. Time you finished this email? 16:25 Haha.. lame.. reminds me.. which came first, chicken or egg? xD Monday, May 22, 2006 Y 5:35 PM TAGGED BY WANTING The Instructions: 1. Think of the 8 points you think your perfect lover should possess 2. Mention the gender of your perfect lover 3. Sabo 8 people to do this and tag at their blogs 4. If you are tagged the second time, there's no need to do it again OKAY. gender: MALE im no lesbian. TOO BAD. xD 1. INTELLECTUAL- not in the sense that IQ is 1000, BUT no retards. HAHA. 2. HANDSOME/HOT- eh. duh. 3. SWEET- eh.. lots of gifts pls! chocolates haha! 4. HUMOROUS- must be able to amuse me/entertain me/make me laugh 5. SENSITIVE- knows when to shut up when he should 6. SPORTING- 7. TALENTED- must be good at something at least 8. BOLD- yay. im done. crappy can't think of any? i shall not sabo anyone for now. Y 5:10 PM Put an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones you have not.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 Y 9:23 PM im feeling ZI BEI now. ): Monday, May 15, 2006 Y 6:23 PM im damn pissed. and its so damn unfair. Thursday, May 11, 2006 Y 8:39 PM no homework today! xD we have now arrived at the slacky period of Term 2. heee. combined is coming to an end.. :( so sad.. our magazine is nice!! hahaha. yay.. hm i have to do my chinese compreS. SIAN tmr is vesak day. had combined sports meet today. i got like pissed in the first part because the student councillor kept telling us to cheer when obviously we didn't want to. OH MAN. they should just keep their enthu-ness to themself and dun force other ppl can. and then the councillor like GLARED at me and hui min when we sat down when we weren't supposed to. crazy. and then the weather was downright sweltering. anyway. 211 won champion. and the trophy is much nicer! ^^ haha. feel bored. everyone is busy except dear ol' me. x( hahar. i like my humanities marks. not the best though. >.< guess thats the only thing i can score well in. eew now the fan is acting spastic and freaking me out haha! somehow i like reading horror movie adverts and LAUGHING at them. im spas. 'cause when carefully examining you can see the fake-ness of it all. but during the movie its too fast to be seen. xS okay.. the fan is really spas now. lol.. oh it stopped making noises. diao. it started again! hahaa.. oh man. BORING. jiawen's daoing me. as usual. Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Y 9:34 PM haha jiawen, hui min and i are being SPAS on msn from now on call jiawen JINGLES!! JINGLES LIM JIA WEN! hahaha. cheerios- xoxo` [[jiawen]] (: jingles! says: haha cheerios- xoxo` [[jiawen]] (: jingles! says: jingles! cheerios- xoxo` [[jiawen]] (: jingles! says: YAY! Hui Min. says: Jumbo Jia Wen haha. and YOURS TRULY thought of that *ahem* beautiful name. ^^ or perhaps. JUMBO sounds nice too. Monday, May 08, 2006 Y 9:13 PM doing math journal now. and feeling zi bei. because apparently jiawen wrote 200++ words more than me. :/ today we had LA presentation for combined. we did well!!! mrs heng wanted our PPT and files and blahblah and told us to burn unto CD. HAH. haha. im being LAME. hm. stayed back for CME SAIL today. ^^ getting history back tmr! or so i hope. haha. hmm. 14/18.. my target. packing my chinese file now. thought its still a MESS. haha. hm. yay. after combined. we have chinese. and PW. oh man. oh well. pretty good le. and im totally slacking when im supposed to be doing CME. haha. this week. we have monday, tuesday, wednesday lessons. yay. slacky larr. Friday, May 05, 2006 Y 10:10 PM YAY im so proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hui min and i managed to fill up the WHOLE minesweeper space!!! lucky hui min was fast enough to take screen shot. we were like strategizing.. xD ![]() We filled up the WHOLE space! ^^ A QUESTION FOR YOU ALL: what word in the english language is pronounced the same way even when its last 4 letters are taken away? [hui min cannot answer/tag regarding this qns!xD] ahha. today didn't get back history. is that GOOD or BAD? ^^ SPASTICaa. ;D combined tmr!!! ^^ yay. SPASSTTTIICCa. ^^ Thursday, May 04, 2006 Y 8:42 PM ladeeda. yay. NAPFA's overr! haha. yay. history test results tmr! i think. shld be. haha.. sian. must strive for 14 and above!!! ahh. mustmust. mustt. ahh!!! i want A1. oh well. went Science Centre today! poisonous/toxic gel xD haha. playing minesweepers with jiawen! lol kaiqi's nice. she gave me like 1/8 of her fries! haha haha. yay. Wednesday, May 03, 2006 Y 9:17 PM a dear dear friend of mine, jiawen, tagged me to do this. Name 20 ppl u can think of at the top of your head. Dun read the below questions before you write and tag 5 ppl to do this survey. 1. kenneth (my bro) 2. hui min (FM cum clean freak^^) 3. jiawen (((: dear friend cum geog rep^^) 4. liyue (chi rep) 5. ester (FM!) 6. jem (choir! sop 1!) 7. hui shan(mu tou ren cum sci rep) 8. penny (monitress) 9. ashleen (two-elevener!) 10. amanda (choir junior!) 11. rebekah (ditto the above!) 12. shi tong (two-elevener!) 13. kaiqi(2/11-er!) 14. iris (math rep!) 15. francis (just thought of her?) 16. wan ting(primary sch fren^^) 17. debi (ditto the above) 18. angela (got highest for LA.. ) 19. nat (just thought of her) 20. chou yun(cum S.C.) How did you meet 14? last year. same class. ^^ What would you do if you never met 1? er. i will have one sibling less? no one to be spas with. What would you do if 20 and 9 dated? chou yun and ashleen? lol. Did you ever like 19? hm. so-so. Would 6 and 17 make a good couple? er. not really.. haha! they don't even know each other. Describe 3. jiawen!!! haha. dear friend. obsession with online stories. was high on sugar. haha. erm. pro in LA. fellow 2/11-er. npcc! haha. Do you think 8 is attractive? penny? quite. Tell me something about 7. ermm. dedicated npcc-er? i dun know. haa. Do you know any of 12's family? nah. Whats 8's favourite? erm... chocolate?? What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you? diao. What language does 15 speak? english. and chinese. haa. Who is 9 going out with? ashleen.. hard to say. haha. How old is 16 now? 13 years and 7 months and 15 days. if i calculated correctly. When was the last time you talked to 13? after school.. talking about sui bi. hah. Who's 2 favourite band/singer? i think none. Would you date 7? no thanks. Is 15 single? probably. What's 10's last name? tan. haha! Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11? NO. What school does 3 go to? nanyang! Where does 6 live? bishan! haha. Whats your favourite thing about 5? works well under pressure. Have you seen no.1 naked? guess? 5 ppl i wanna tag to do this: 1. hui min 2. ester 3. jem! 4. you. 5. you. ^^ Tuesday, May 02, 2006 Y 10:29 PM yays. i got 20/20 for geog. which is like average. because almost everyone else did. BUT. i got a 100% for geog test. xD yay. i got A2 and A1 for all my tests so far... best is geog, followed by chinese. haha. [although jiawen got A1 for everything.] haha. some ppl are just smarter. :/ sian. how to do science ws? chem is getting increasingly tougher. handed in our chem SIA models today. jem's model was cool. haha. ^^ yay. hopefully i will get A for my history too... hm that means i have to get 14/18. shucks. there goes my chance.. flying out the window. sugarrr. haha jiawen's high on sugarrrrr! sugarr. Monday, May 01, 2006 Y 10:20 PM yay. i changed the alignment. xD Y 9:58 PM eew. the words are justified. too bad im such an idiot at html codes. Y 9:34 PM ahh! did i piss hui min off?? oopsss.. today is the day where everyone is chionging for chem SIA.. at least those ppl who i know? hahaa.. hmm. can't scrape up a page of lang arts movie review! ahh!!!! so dead. haven't done math SIA evaluation yet! AHH. so dead. siansiansian. bored attack! sian. tmr's tuesday!!! ahh. boring lessons tmr.. is there NAPFA tmr??! im so dead!!! i will be the last.. i can just fail... AHH. AHH. AHH. feeling very depressed. maybe not that critical yet? haha... ! maths SIA evaluation!! AHH. ALL too busy to do this. and who knows what liyue's doing. probably chem SIA. SIAN. yay. chem SIA ends tmr. hope we get the highest marks? hahaha! ^^ im a total weirdo man. haha. my phone's wallpaper is cute. ^^ yay. sian. now my posts are so inorganised and clumped up. siansiansian. yay. i hate 2.4 km run. no stamina + no perseverence = failure. sianness. eeks. i just finished my movie review. slip-shod work though. poor mrs heng. although i dun think she's marking it. AHH. will we get history test back tmr? AHH. so dead. so dead. so dead. SIAN-NESS. |
COLOURFUL 402'08; hcjc; 09s79; og30; apollo! say it with me ESCAPADES {♥}alyssa {♥}ashleen {♥}baoxian {♥}cherie {♥}cheryl {♥}clara {♥}corrina {♥}debi {♥}da jie {♥}eva {♥}haidee {♥}hui min {♥}iris {♥}jacqueline {♥}jiamin {♥}jiaqi {♥}jiawen {♥}loyee {♥}lucy {♥}mel {♥}michelle {♥}ningjia {♥}penny {♥}qianwen {♥}rachel {♥}sitong {♥}yeephon {♥}yangzi {♥}yunting into the past March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 APPLAUSE basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |